Join us on the road less ridden!
Stories and stunning photos from across North America and around the world

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In July, 2008, Julie and I took our first motorcycle trip from our home near Toronto to Canada’s smallest province, Prince Edward Island.

Since then, we have put more than 220,000 kilometres on two motorcycles (a Honda ST 1100 and a Honda Gold Wing). We have been as far east as St. John’s, NL, as far north as Prince Rupert, BC, as far south as San Francisco and West Texas, and a host of points in between.

We've visited to the Valley of the Giants, explored a thousand-year-old Viking settlement, sailed through the Haida Gwai, crossed the Golden Gate, ziplined on the west coast of Canada's most eastern province, traveled the loneliest highway in America, and ridden our motorcycle through New York, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, San Francisco and Dallas.

We’ve also visited Europe, Asia and Mexico. We’ve sat in the shadow of Fuji-san and examined the similarities and differences between castles and fortresses in Scotland, Canada, the Mayan Riviera and Japan.

Along the way, we’ve taken more than 25,000 photos, with interesting stories to accompany them, many of which are nothing short of spectacular.

The goal here is to share our photos and stories, and bring a little beauty, joy and laughter to others. The blog provides a deeper dive into stories, with accompanying pictures. The galleries provide pictures with a small bit of story.

Both are designed to provide you with an excuse to view, read, escape and dream.

We’d also like to hear from you. If you’ve got an interesting travel story or adventure to share, please let us know. We’d love to learn how the road less ridden has impacted you!

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Planning to visit Japan?